Sadie Thompson Inn


Convenient to Business and Government

Located on Pago Pago Harbor, this quaint little hotel offers all the modern amenities and is the home of American Samoa’s finest restaurant.

Sadie Thompson entrance
The old Structure

The Old and The New

This two-story building is currently the site of the Sadie Thompson Inn and Sadie’s Restaurant. The original building (constructed in early 20th century) was the setting of W. Somerset Maugham’s famous short story (1928),Rain

sti room

The Sadie Thompson Inn offers lower priced rooms for business or pleasure travelers to Pago Pago.  

Deluxe Rooms Relaxing Atmosphere

  • Standard – 2 bed configurations
    • 7 S (Single occupancy) – 1 King bed + futon
    • 1 D (Double occupancy) – 2 queen beds
  • 4 H (Harbor view) – 1 King bed + slightly extended lounge area, with street/harbor views
  • 2 Apt (Apartment) – 1 bedroom + full kitchen, large living and dining  area
  • Wireless internet, Cell phone rental, Air-conditioning, Mini refrigerator, Personal safe
The bar at sti

Our air-conditioned bar with pool table and good music is a great place to relax.  

Don’t Forget Sadie

Sadie Thompson, fictional character, the protagonist of the short story “Rain” (1921) by W. Somerset Maugham.

Thompson is a lighthearted American prostitute who plies her trade in the South Seas and causes the downfall of Reverend Mr. Davidson, a fanatical missionary.

miss sadie